Handmade and Altered Art Books This class is taught at Field Fine Art Studio Tuesday, May 23 - 10:00 - 4:00
Class description: Using a variety of simple techniques the class will cover the basics of bookbinding. Methods of fabrication such as accordion fold books, Japanese’s stab binding, and pamphlet binding will be demonstrated. Altering, cutting and deconstructing existing books will be explored. Fill the blank books you create with all kinds of media, painting, poetry, collage or photography. The altered books will be refashioned to create secret compartments and discover their sculptural qualities. This is a great class to take in conjunction with the Introduction to Printmaking class.
Bring anything you would like to include in several handmade books. All art materials are supplied. No experience is required just a willingness to explore, play and discover your creative spirit with paper. Tuition: $130
Please bring a bag lunch to enjoy on the porch. Scheduled dependent on adequate enrollment. Space is limited to 8 students. This allows each person a large table space to work.